Sunday, 21 September 2014


Here is an ECU also known as a extreme close up. It is classed extreme because it is focused on just one part of the body.

 Here is three angle shots, this shows Rachael using the same action but from three different camera angles. 

This is a two shot where two people are in the scene at once.

 This is an establishing shot, this shows where the scene is set.


This is a point of view shot, this shows what I am able to see and how I am feeling based on Rachael's facial expressions.

Friday, 19 September 2014

First Task For AS Media.

We have been set a task to create a short video of someone entering a room, walking across it and having a short conversation with another person in the room. We will be using different angle shots including, match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule, this will keep continuous movement throughout the scene and build our experience using, editing and create short films.

180-degree rule

 Is a basic guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another character or object within a scene.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Hello and welcome to my blog!:-)

My name is Charlotte and I am a year 12 Media student. Although I have never studied media before I believe that I will enjoy the subject and find it fun and very interesting. I enjoy singing, dancing, acting and playing guitar. I am interested in media and filming; I like to create and edit videos and make them interesting and fun to watch. I have never made a ‘proper’ video before so this gives me the chance to try and be professional about it. I am looking forward to creating exciting, interesting things that you will all enjoy watching.